The Feasibility and Pre-Investment Coastal Conservation Study (1991-1995), which followed the Diagnostic and Pre-Feasibility Coastal Conservation Study (1983-1984), was the second major step in pursuit of the Unit’s overall objective. This project was implemented by the consultants Delcan. The major components of this project were to research and define strategies for:
Feasibility and Pre-Investment Coastal Conservation Study (1991-1995)
- Beach creation and stabilization
- Water quality improvement
- Legal and institutional arrangements
These components were achieved through the execution of eight (8) pilot projects. This study was jointly funded by Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) and the Government of Barbados.
Heywoods, St. Peter
This project involved the removal of 2,309 m3 of beach rock from two separate sections of beach, each 62.5m in length and the placement of sand fill, as a means of enhancing the amenity value of the beach. Aerial photographs taken before and after construction are shown in the photos below.
Speightstown, St. Peter
A need to implement either a beach nourishment or a sand tracer experiment on the west coast was identified. Consequently, the pilot project at Speightstown was conceived which consisted of the artificial nourishment of the beach by the placement of 5,400 m3 of sand on the beach face and in the nearshore area. No structures were built to retain this sand fill. The sand was dredged from a reserve offshore Maycock’s and brought to the site by barge. The photos below show the beach prior to, and at the end of, the beach fill process.
Read's Bay, St. James
The area north of the Fire Station is a focus of high wave energy, especially during the passage of ‘winter’ swells. Severe swells occurred in December 1991, which inflicted severe damage to Government lands, private homes and fishing operations. Two submerged, offshore breakwaters (60m and 40m in length) were therefore constructed to rebuild the beach, and to enhance recreation in the area. Aerial photographs taken before and after construction are shown in the photos below.
Holetown, St. James
A low-cost, diffuse aeration system was installed in the Holetown lagoon, to improve water quality and reduce odour.
Almond Beach Club, St. James
The pilot project works at this site consisted of the installation of a boulder sill and the removal of coral rubble to create a swimming area directly in front of the hotel. The photo below shows the sill six months after construction.
Paynes Bay, St. James
Over many decades, the cliff at the south of the Payne’s Bay fish market has been severely eroded by waves, Consequently, Highway 1 was placed at great risk, and extensive cliff collapse was occurring. A 160m long berm-type boulder revetment was constructed to reinforce the cliff and provide protection to the highway. The photos below show the pre- and post-construction conditions for this section of coastline.
Asta-Sierra/Hastings, Christ Church
This project was comprised of three (3) main components: the groyne at Golden Beach Apartel was modified; the construction of a boulder sill and clearing of coral rubble in front of Coconut Court Hotel; and the construction of two temporary groynes west of Sierra Beach Hotel to measure the rate of sand transport and sand availability along the Hastings stretch. A derelict surface water discharge pipe was also removed. The photos below show the pre- and post-construction conditions of the area.
Rockley, Christ Church
Work at this site focused on the eastern segment of the shoreline, where bathing was difficult owing to the presence of coral rubble. The coral rubble zone was cleared and a 150 m long offshore submerged breakwater was erected in approximately 5m water depth. In addition, approximately 7000 m3 of sand was dredged from offshore and placed at the eastern end of the shore. The project has led to beach stabilization and improved bathing conditions at Rockley. For the first time, beach now exists at the extreme eastern end of the bay, thereby effectively increasing recreational space. A short groyne was construction at the eastern end of the sand fill area. The photos below show the pre- and post-construction site conditions.